Saturday, February 28, 2009

Caverns of Sonora

A few weekends ago, Brandon and I took the kids to the Caverns of Sonora. They are hundreds of feet underground and it is surprisingly hot and humid. We went on an hour and a half long tour and it was beautiful. It was incredible to see this and know that it took hundreds of thousands of years to form. Jacob loved the fact that we were in a tunnel.


Jenn said...

We did this too while we were there. It was fun. My problem was I get a little claustrophobic and there was a spot where the guide stopped and I was in an small walkway. I freaked for a second but then I pushed my way to the back of the group and I was fine.

Becca said...

Cool! We have some caverns like this right near us--I haven't been since I was a little girl, and we can't wait to take the boys this summer.