Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Moss Landing

A few weeks ago, at one of our favorite beach spots, a surfer was attacked by a shark. He survived, but was bitten once in the leg and once in the torso. While that beach was closed, we found another one called Moss Landing. There is a little marina where Jacob loves watching boats come in and out. There are a lot of Sea Lions and otters swimming all over the place! Some of the scenary isn't as pretty but it will work for now.

Jacob's new favorite game is playing hide and seek. Me or Brandon hides, and Jacob seeks. Jacob hasn't really gotten the concept of hidding yet. He will stand behind a door but stick his head out so he can watch your every move. Every time he finds us, he squeals so loud and runs away. The best is when he runs past you 3 or 4 times and doesn't even know you are there, then jump out at him the next time he comes by. His face is a priceless look of terror and delight all mixed together.

Zoe watches Jacob's every move. She laughs at him when he tries to play peek-a-boo with her. Zoe rolled over today for the first time. She rolled from he stomach to her back but couldn't roll the other way. I think one of Zoe's favorite times to play is when she is on the changing table and I am trying to get her dressed. She kicks so much and squeals with delight at me trying to get her legs in her clothes.

Jacob loves playing outside in the afternoons. Most of the time he eats lunch on his little picnic table out side and runs around. It is a great way to get him tired enough to take a nap. He loves playing on his Harley Tri-cycle or pushing around this big dump truck.
It is official! Brandon and I will be in Texas on Dec. 22 - Jan 1. We are so excited to see everybody!
Zoe thinks it is hilarious when I put here feet up to her face when we play Patty-cake.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Cute, cute, CUTE! That Zoe is adorbale. We are excited to have a girl like the rest of y'all :). Keep up the updates, Kristin--I love the pics of your sweet kids.