Sunday, September 23, 2007

Our Newest Adventures

I don't even know where to begin with our newest adventures! I will try to start from the begining. For those of you who don't know, we are officially adults now because we own a van. I never thought I would enjoy having a van so much!! I love having the extra space and we have two built in car seats! Jacob is in one of them and when Zoe is atleast a year old, she will be in the other one. It is so awesome!

Last weekend, we sold our Mazda. It was a good little car but it was on its last legs. Brandon decided he wanted to get a road bike and ride to school every day. We found a really good deal, so Brandon and I both got bikes. Jacob's favorite thing about the bikes is wearing the helmet and gloves. He saw a helmet while we were in target and I let him wear it while we were shopping. When I tried to take it off of him before we left he got really made at me. Now, my helmet is one of his favorite toys at home.

Well, Brandon started riding his bike to school and is doing really well. For those of you who don't know, that is about a 7 mile bike one way. This past Monday, I went out for a ride after Brandon got home from school. I was looking down at the gears and not paying attention to the road. I hit a bump, and up onto the curb I went. I fell with my hands out in front of me and ended up fracturing a bone in my elbow. The good thing is that I don't have to wear a cast and I should only be in a sling for a week and a half. The bad thing is that it is pretty difficult being at home alone with 2 kids, one of which is nursing. You never realize how much you need your arm until you can't use it. Brandon had to do my hair for a few days...that was interesting to say the least. My arm is much better now but I still have limited mobility. I am hoping that I can get back on my bike in a couple of weeks.

This weekend we went to Coastguard pier which is pretty close to Cannery Row. It was amazing how many sea lions we saw! There were some that were close enough to touch if you really wanted to (I wouldn't recommend it though). They were barking quite a bit and if you barked at them they would bark back. Jacob's new favorite words are bowa(boat), pwai(plane), and baaaaaaaw(ball). While we were on the pier there were several boats and planes that went by and he would continuously point and call them by name...I was so proud! It has taken Jacob a long time to talk but now I think he is getting the hang of it!

Ok. This is a picture of the street in front of our house. I needed to show proof. It rained here on Friday night through Saturday morning. That is the first time it has rained here in over 6 months!! When I say rain, I mean more like sprinkle but it was a constant sprinkle. People here don't know what real rain is. Anyway, it was nice to hear the rain. I never thought I would miss thunderstorms so much. We have yet to hear thunder since we have lived here.

1 comment:

Becca said...

I broke my arm on a bike wreck when I was nursing Brigham, too! Crazy. I love your van--isn't it wonderful to have room for everything? Thanks for keeping me posted!