Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Blowing Bubbles

This is Zoe's newest trick. I hope you enjoy!


CAMI said...

Kristin - those kids are so beautiful. I have really enjoyed reading your blogs and seeing the videos of the babies. Love you girl and hope all is well. I check back weekly to see the updates.

Jenn said...

Ha ha...that is so cute. Did she figure that out on her own or did big brother teach her that one?

Jenkins' Family said...

What talent Zoe! It looks like the weather is finally nice enough to wear summer clothes. We miss you guys

Bugs Mama said...

oooh! LOVE the new look and the family pic!

thebush3 said...

That is pretty cute - how are you guys doing? Are you getting tired of Monterey yet - or should I say DLI? I love that family pix

Melissa said...

That is a great picture.