Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jacob's Top Ten

  1. Planes, Spaceships-This can actually be a plane or just an object he throws through the air.
  2. Trains-GeoTrax and the Polar Express. He also likes us to make a choo-choo train out of the couch cusions. It looks more like a fort but he gets inside and yells, "All aboard!"
  3. Automobiles-the imaginary ones are the best. He will sit in the middle of the bed, arrange the blankets and pillows, and tell me, "Mommy, I driving!"
  4. Swimming-Jacob will stay in the pool all day if you will let him.
  5. Tickling-He loves to have tickle fights but he likes to tell you when you should tickle him and when you should tickle Zoe.
  6. "Helping"-he loves to help cook
  7. Shooter-our dog
  8. Playing chase-or just running. This activity can include anyone.
  9. Going to the park-basically anything that has to do with being outside
  10. Snuggling on the couch and watching a movie.

These are in no particular order. They are just a few of the fun things about Jacob!


Becca said...

These kind of lists are the best--it's so good to write it down when you remember it!

Kathryn said...

Kristin!! I haven't looked at your blog in a long time. The fact that Jacob could spend all day in the pool reminds me of someone.... uh you! He looks so cute in all his pictures and it looks like he had a great time one his birthday. seeing pictures of you in the pool makes me wish we lived in a warmer place. how fun that you are able to go see your mom in Houston for the day. I'm glad you're doing well. Love you