Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Just in case you didn't know, that is how you say "Go ahead" in New Jersey talk. This past weekend we went up to Jersey to visit my cousin and help celebrate her boys birthdays. They threw a b-day party and we got to experience a true Jersey accent. It was hilarious.
We got there Friday evening and the kids had a great time playing in the back yard. As soon as the water hose came on, Zoe got naked. She loves playing in the water!

I love this picture of Zachary. Once the kids found the trampoline, it was hard to get them off of it!

Zoe wasn't really sure how to hit the pinata. She was very lady like and tapped it a few times.
Jacob was a little bit better off.

After nap time on Saturday we took the kids to the beach. Unfortunately, it was a bit chilly and threatening rain the whole time we were there. That didn't stop us from having a great time. Zoe loved taking sand to the water and dumping it in. Zachary and Jacob playing with the dump trucks.

The boys all decided they wanted to be buried in the sand. We learned later that it was because that was the best way to stay warm. Poor Adam got soaked by a wave and was freezing.

Brandon put so much sand on Jacob he couldn't get out on his own.Zoe started to bury herself but this is about as far as she got.

We had so much fun this weekend and are so glad to have some family close to us!


Melissa said...

Looks like a fun day at the beach-even if it was too cool.

Amanda said...

Where in New Jersey were you guys? We're from Jersey! I was born in Perth Amboy, my mom is from Woodbridge, and my dad grew up in Jersey City. :)

McCain Family said...

We were in Spotswood, NJ. Southern part. Will you re-invite me to your blog. I would love to see pictures of your little one!