Wednesday, September 1, 2010

On to the Longhorn Hatin' City

I was going to title this post "Aggie Land," but Brandon did not approve.  He suggested, "The Livestock Mutilating City," in reference to "Saw 'em off."  I think Brandon feels alone in family full of Aggies.  Anyway, on to the good stuff.  The first morning we were in College Station, my Mom got up with all of our kids and let Brandon and I sleep blissfully until 10...well, maybe it was 11.  We spent most of our days playing in the pool or water in the backyard.  What else is there to do in the summer in Texas, right?  Mom and I went to my new favorite store, "Charming Charlies."  We spent 2 hours walking around looking at jewelry and spending a good bit of my birthday money.  We were also able to take care of something extremely important to me.  My insane craving for Jalepeno Garlic Tilapia from Carinos.  If you haven't had it, you must try it...heavenly!  We got to do some family photos and I got to test some ideas on my guinea pigs.  All in all, a great time!

The look of determination!
Why do my children never smile in family photos?

1 comment:

Rodriguez Family said...

Digging that look of determination! I see that look often on my boy's face. Lol boys are so funny. But I really love the straw hat girlie pic. So sweet and Texany.