Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Newest Obsession

This past Monday I finished reading a book series that is absolutely to die for. Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer are awesome. Brandon didn't like them very much because I was so obsessed with them we had very simple meals for a week. It took me about a week to read all of these books because as soon as I would finish one, I would start the next one. There is a fourth book coming out in the Fall and I can't wait.

*Sarah, I know you would like these!!!


Lauren said...

READ THEM!!! LOVE THEM!!! Have been waiting, impatiently I might add, for the next to come out. I have been following the series since the first book, and I can tell you that the wait is excrutiatingly painful.

Big sigh. If only to be Bella. And have an Edward....sigh. :o)

Lauren said...
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Becca said...

I try not to neglect my family when I'm reading, but they like PB&J so much anyway . . .