Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Nana came to stay with us for a whole week! For some reason, we didn't take a lot of pictures. This is the day she got here. Nana was here the first week Brandon went back to work. I don't know what I would have done if she hadn't been here. Taking Jacob to and from school would have been much more difficult! She made the transition so much smoother for me!

One afternoon Brandon and I went to pick up lunch for everyone and when we came home she had a very funny story for us. While we were gone, Peyton started crying and Jacob was very worried. He asked Nana, "Is Peyton hungry?
Nana: "Yes, I think he is."
Jacob: "Does he need to eat special food?" (Pulls his shirt up and pinches his nipple)
Nana: "Yes, but only Mommies have the special food."
Jacob: "Oh, you have special food?"
Nana: "NOPE, only your Mommy has special food for Peyton."

I love kids!

1 comment:

Becca said...

Oh, my! That story is hilarious. When I told Truman that only girls had babies in the tummies, he said, "Yeah--my baby is in my arm."

Thanks for sharing!