Sunday, December 27, 2009


Christmas was so much fun! This was the first year we were at our house on Christmas morning. This is what our living room looked like before...

...and this is the after. I am so grateful for what my parents did for me when I was a kid. Christmas is a lot of work! We had a traditional Christmas dinner too. This was the first time I had ever bought a ham. I had to ask a lady at the store which ham I should buy. I feel so grown up now.


Melissa said...

Glad it was a good one. I started a new tradition too! A formal Christmas breakfast on my Chistmas china. After five years, I finally was able to use it!

Jenkins' Family said...

Looks like you guys were very good this year! Good for you for being all grown up and baking a ham, I'm sure it was delicious! The kids are adorable, I can't believe how big Payton is getting. And all that snow you got, how fun!