Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Nana and Pappy Come to Visit

Two weeks before Thanksgiving Nana and Pappy came to visit.  Pappy was here on work but Nana was able to hang out with us and play.  On Veteran's Day we were all able to go to DC and hang out at the Smithsonian.  This was our first time visiting "The Castle."  It wasn't as fun for kids but it was beautiful.  We also went to the Natural History Museum.  At the end of the day, my feet were swollen and I was exhausted but we had a great time!

 Jacob asked a lot of questions about the dung beetle.  He asked, "What is that ball he is pushing Mommy?"  I said, "Well, that is a ball of poop."  Jacob: "Why is he playing with POOP?!"  That is a good question Jacob.

Zoe liked all the sparkling gems...that is my daughter.

Pappy and Zoe playing in the parking lot on our way back to the car.

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