Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fun in the Sun

This past weekend we had GREAT weather. It was in the upper 70s lower 80s and the sun was shining. We had a very fun filled Saturday!

We played in the water while Daddy made hamburgers.

The water was too cold for Zoe but isn't that swimsuit cute!

We soaked in the Sun and stole Mommy's sunglasses.

And we went for a bike ride. Look at my little plumber booty.


Jenkins' Family said...

Looks like so much fun, we miss you guys and miss the nice weather.

Crys said...

Sooo cute!!! Love the pictures. I can't believe how time is flying by. Sometimes it scares me. Amber is already 5 months. Tell me how that can be?! It seems like it was just yesterday we were wanting her out. And now look...crazy! Hope things are going well for you! Miss you friend.


Nathan, Kassie and Emilie said...

Ooh, your kids are so cute! I swear Emilie is as big as Zoe. Don't be jealous of Em's hair, it's all falling out :(

Heather's Blog said...

Your kids are soooo cute! I'm glad to see that you are enjoying the Cali. weather.