Monday, September 15, 2008

Raccoon Attack

Yesterday, some of Brandon's classmates and their families came over for fajitas and fun. All of them are in a fantasy football league together and watched football all afternoon. Jacob and Zoe had fun playing with their new friends. All in all, it was a very fun day.
After everyone went home and the kids were in bed, we had a raccoon attack. Brandon and I were watching TV when we heard a bang by the trashcan. We found a raccoon sitting on one trashcan and lifting the lid of the next one. He was enjoying himself thoroughly. Raccoons are actually really cute, but I definitely wouldn't want to get to close to them.


thebush3 said...

Didn't you have a skunk shortly after you moved in that attacked (sprayed) Brandon? What is with your guys and creatures.

Jenn said...

Raccoons are definitely not on my "likeable" list. We had some not so fun stories about them from when we were in Monterey. I'll have to tell you about them sometime.

Becca said...

I am so jealous of seeing raccoons! How come I never get to see them up close? You know my maiden name is Coon, don't you? Which is why I believe that I have a connection with these adorable nocturnal omnivores, and I really need a baby one as a pet.

Jenkins' Family said...

Raccoons can only be cute if you're looking at them through a window, dirty little things!!!
We miss you guys too, I want to know how things are going. I'll try to give you a call this week or send an email.

Kathryn said...

Hey... my phone number is 208-964-3279. That's awesome that you're going to be in Texas for a while, but I'm kind of sad that we haven't been able to get together. How bout ya'll come here for Thanksgiving instead of going out to Texas?... Not a bad idea... you should do it. When are ya'll actually taking off from Cali? It makes me want to get tickets to go home for Thanksgiving, but it's already pretty dang expensive just to go for Christmas. Well... call me when you get a chance.