Friday, May 28, 2010

My Little Girl is 3!

How did this happen? How is my baby girl already three years old? Saying Zoe is a girly girl is probably an understatement. She loves all the princesses and everything that goes along with it. Zoe got "Beauty and the Beast" a few days before her birthday. She requested a "beast cake" for her birthday. I'm pretty sure this is what she meant. It was a very easy cake to make and I'm really happy with the way it turned out.

Zoe's Top Ten (in no particular order)
1. Princesses-all of them
2. Abby Cadabby from Sesame Street
3. Dancing-she dances to the music Peyton's toys play.
4. Singing- she will make up her own songs in the car. Brandon tries to get her to sing about purple hippopotamuses and most of the time it works. Do you know how funny it is to hear a three year old try to say "purple hippopotamus?"
5. Polly Pocket-she now has the princesses in pocket size and plays with them every day
6. Dresses-we have a hard time getting her to wear anything else.
7. Driving her older brother crazy!
8. French Fries-she doesn't care anything about the burger, she just wants the fries.
9. Make up-every time I put my make up on, Zoe stands on the toilet and waits her turn. She then asks me to hold her up to look in the mirror.
10. Talking on the phone-she asks to talk to Daddy every day. I know she loves her Daddy but she will find a way to get on the phone.

Happy birthday to my baby girl!


thebush3 said...

Oh my - I really can't believe that she is that old already - it seems like just yesterday we were in cali and you were making her crib set!

Melissa said...

By the looks of it, she really loves that cake!