Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sesame Place...Last Installment

The kids had no idea what to expect from Sesame Place. Now, all they talk about is "Elmo's World." Zoe sleeps with her Sesame Street figurines and Jacob asks if we get to go back "tomorrow."

My favorite conversation from the whole trip was with Zoe. In the van on the way home,
Zoe: Mommy?
Me: Yes Zoe?
Zoe: I want Daddy.
Brandon: What is it Zoe?

Brandon and I couldn't help but laugh. She is such a drama queen!

jumping on Big Bird's bed

Ride 'em cowgirl

Peyton was so good in the backpack!

He was tuckered out with all the excitement!

Climb up...

...slide down

endless amounts of fun


Glenene said...

What a fun place to go! Your kids are getting so big AND cute!!

Rodriguez Family said...

Love that cute baby backpack with the canopy and everything. I wish I had baby gear like that when Jude was teenie.

Kathryn said...

So cute. That Zoe is just so cute and you can tell she's sassy too. I love it. So... I haven't looked at your blog in a while. I just barely looked at the pictures of ya'll when Austin came and little Caleb is such a little Renfroe. He looks just like Austin and your trip to DC looked awesome. How cool. I can't wait to come and see you. We are leaving on Monday for a house hunting trip and we will actually move there on June 18th. I'm excited to see you.

Bugs Mama said...

that looks like so much fun!! Love the pirate face paint picture.