Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Berry Pickin' Fun

This last weekend we went to a berry picking farm and had a great time. My cousin Becca told all about her family's berry picking fun on her blog, so we just had to do it. We picked blackberries and strawberries and they are soooooooooooo good. Jacob picked the blackberries for a while, but then had more fun wandering around looking at everything. We went over to pick strawberries next. There was no picking involved for Jacob. He just followed us down the rows eating as he went. After we picked, we played. The farm had an area for kids with an old tractor and some hay bails. It was a beautiful day to have a picnic and let the kids play! Thanks Becca for a new family tradition (hopefully)!
Zoe was constantly trying to look around me.
Two seconds later she strawberry and dirt all over her face.

Thanks to visiting Mimi and Pawpaw, Jacob was waiting for the tractor to turn on.


thebush3 said...

That llike too much fun - there are a lot of things that we wish that we did while we lived there - Oh Well.

Becca said...

Yay! I'm go glad you guys went--and I love the picture of Jacob covering his ears . . . hilarious. Did you use pickyourown.org, too? I'm happy to take credit for your fun day :).

Heather's Blog said...

Bec is the bes for good ideas. Looks like y'all had a lot of fun!