Monday, June 2, 2008

Dentist Appointment

Jacob had his first dentist appointment today and he did really well. I had this fear that he would bite the dentist or something. He was so great! He laid down in the chair all by himself and let them clean his teeth. He even let them floss. I was so excited that he did so well and he doesn't have any cavities that we took him to get ice cream.


Jenn said...

Congrats on the good dentist appointment. Amelia still won't let a dentist anywhere NEAR her teeth. Hopefully Brandon does well on the DLPT. He has to take the 5 right? That would be so cool if you guys got stationed here in Hawaii. I will definitely answer any questions that you have. And kudos on the furnished apartment in San Angelo. Where is it if you don't mind me asking? I still vaguely remember the area there.

Jenn said...

My email is if you want to keep in touch through there. You only get to keep Monterey BAH if he lives on base. But Justin had a "room" on base and just stayed with us most of the time. His roommate didn't mind at all.