Friday, April 29, 2011

Airman Leadership School

When we first found out that Brandon had to start Airman Leadership School two days after my due date I wasn’t thrilled.  I was counting on his 9 days of paternity leave.  I finally came around because I knew that we really didn’t have a choice and it would look bad for Brandon to postpone it.  For some reason we were under the impression that ALS was pretty easy.  We were wrong.  Brandon was working longer hours than we were used to and when he was home, he was studying.

All the hard work paid off.  At Brandon’s graduation he got the Academic Achievement Award and Distinguished Graduate Award.  I am so proud of him!  I also loved that the graduation was a semi-formal dinner and I got to get all dressed up.
I love the shoes but my feet were KILLING me!

I am grateful for ALS because we got to know the Larsen's better.

The head table

1 comment:

Glenene said...

Congratulations to Brandon!!