Monday, October 20, 2008

How to Loose 5 Pounds in 1 Hour

Okay, maybe not exactly 5 pounds. This past Friday I had my gallbladder removed. It was a very simple day surgery but still isn't very much fun. The worst part is not being able to pick up the kids. Brandon has been able to stay home with us, thank goodness. On Friday, our kids went to a friend's house for the day so that Brandon could be at the hospital with me. I'm really glad he was there because I was a wreck when I woke up. Brandon goes back to work on Wednesday so I still have another day before I have the kids by myself. I feel like I am healing very quickly and am very thankful for that. Thank you to everyone who kept me in their thoughts and prayers.


Jenalyn said...

Hey girl, I'm back. I know you are totally surprized to hear fomr me.
So you got your galbladder out!? That is crazy. I'm glad that you were able to have some friends to help out. I have a friend that had hers out and she siad that it has changed her life and wished that she would have known that problem years ago. I'm glad that you are on the mend and that things are going well.

I thought I read a comment on Becca's blog that ya'll are moving to Maryland? Is this true?! B/c if it is then we will be with in visiting distance of each other. Let me know! Love you!

Amanda said...

I'm glad to hear that you are alright! Have you guys headed to San Angelo yet?

Becca said...

You picked the perfect title for this post. :)

I'm so sorry about your surgery--especially the hard-to-pick-up-kids part. Yucky. Hope you're feeling better today, and even better tomorrow, and back to normal by Halloween!

PS- did they let you see the gallbladder?

McCain Family said...

As they were putting me under I asked them to take a picture of my gallbladder. The doctor said that he did, but when I went for my follow up visit he couldn't find the picture. Bummer!